ACS’S Request to DGHS to Post Retired Physicians Solely for Clinical Duties


ACS has received several complaints regarding the postings of retired doctors. In response to these complaints from the government that the DGHS office had placed some retired doctors on administrative positions or positions that should only have been filled by active doctors who are Haryana Civil Medical Service cadre officers, the ACS issued a directive to the DGHS. This directive was issued on May 16.

According to the re-employment policy, Dr. Parveen Sethi was reportedly employed as a senior consultant for clinical work. The ACS has requested the DGHS to “assure that Dr. Parveen Sethi be assigned clinical work only,” citing the instance of one of these retired doctors who was given a position in violation of state law.

Significantly, state president of HCMS Dr. Rajesh Khyalia has observed that a number of retired physicians have been assigned significant administrative responsibilities that should have gone to the regular practicing physicians. “Since the retired doctors are only supposed to perform clinical duties, giving them such special treatment amounts to corrupt practices that the state authorities should curtail in accordance with the state’s own policy,” Dr. Khayalia continued.

The center has received claims of various corruption practices happening around the healthcare sector in Haryana. Hence, the ACS has also pointed out complaints to the DGHS for further taking respective actions and necessary steps.