Can blood sugar levels rise silently?


Consider twice before grabbing a jar of mayonnaise, salad dressing, cookies, breads, or ice creams. Examine the label to find out how many emulsifiers—binding agents that combine two different substances, such as water and oil—are included as additives under the ingredients section.

Seven food emulsifiers included in processed foods have now been linked to a higher risk of Type 2 diabetes, according to a recent study published in The Lancet. And even though you maintain a disciplined lifestyle, you might be experiencing them. The seven comprised sodium citrate, carrageenan, or seaweed additions, guar gum, xanthan gum, gum Arabic, mono and diglycerides, forms of fat, and tripo-tassium phosphate, a calcium salt present in many dietary supplements. Dr. Richa Chaturvedi, senior consultant in endocrinology at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals in New Delhi, claims that these drugs disrupt metabolism and gut flora, which causes insulin resistance. The study found that when we develop a habit of ingesting them, the risk factors for diabetes can rise by as much as 15%.

Food emulsifiers are frequently used to enhance texture and prolong shelf life in processed foods. These chemicals have the potential to disrupt the gut flora, which is essential for maintaining metabolic health. Emulsifiers cause harm to the gut’s barrier mucus layer, which makes it possible for food particles and germs to come into closer contact with the intestinal wall. This has the potential to change the makeup of gut flora and cause low-grade inflammation. Type 2 diabetes risk, insulin resistance, and weight gain can all be caused by an imbalance in gut microbial population. This has been observed in trials involving both humans and animals.

Any other Alternatives?
1. Make food from scratch: You have more control over what’s in your food when you cook it from scratch and use whole foods.
2. Select different spreads and condiments: At home, you may create your variations with basic components like vinegar, oil, and spices.
3. Steer clear of processed baked goods: Choose baked items created from scratch or bakeries that use very little or no emulsifiers.