Research – Less Rigorous Treatment is Often More Beneficial for Cancer Patients

The goal of cancer research thirty years ago used to accomplish more, not less. One grim…

WHO- Covid-19 Has Wiped Out Years of Health Gains

WHO’s most current World Health Statistics show that the COVID-19 epidemic has had a major detrimental…

Nightmares May Signal Early Autoimmune Disease – Suggests New Study

400 medical professionals and 676 lupus patients participated in the study, which was published in the…

Delhi Hospitals Receiving Bomb Threats

Various hospitals are receiving bomb threats in Delhi. Two days after similar emails were sent to…

How Getting Angry Raises Chances of Strokes and Heart Disease

Anger is detrimental to the heart. Researchers have shown that the way anger affects vascular health…

NMC suggests a survey on the mental health of students

The National Medical Commission (NMC), which oversees medical education nationwide, has chosen to administer an online…

Research Uncovers Connection Between Air Contamination, Mental Wellbeing, And Heart Risk

The study sheds light on the complex exchange between air contamination, mental well-being, and cardiovascular mortality,…

How to deal with Mental Stress

Dealing with internal stress is essential for maintaining overall well- being. Then are some effective strategies…

Yoga in this Digital Era

Yoga can be a valuable aspect for coping with excessive digital use by promoting mindfulness, relaxation,…

Feasibility of combining spatial computing and AI for mental health support in anxiety and depression

The increasing need for mental health support and a shortage of therapists have led to the…