India shifting toward green tea- A Healthy alternative


Ketan Desai, Chief & Sustainability Officer, VAHDAM India, believes that in India, at domestic or in workplaces, visitors are always offered chai or coffee, and perpetually, the choice tends to be chai. And of course, the chai that’s served must be sweet.

About 95% of all tea drinkers in India love milky and sweet chai. “But why am I so unwilling to do this? The reply and the villain are sugar – a container of chai as a rule has two teaspoons of sugar summing to approximately 32 calories!” offers Desai.

According to the American Heart Affiliation (AHA), the suggested utilization of sugar per day in men is 9 teaspoons, and for ladies is 6 teaspoons. And presently comes the foremost disturbing portion, beverages account for 47% of our day-by-day sugar intake, followed by snacks at 31%. On any typical day, we drink 4-5 mugs of chai other than three primary suppers and at least two snacks in between! Chai alone would account for the recommended everyday sugar utilization, and the full sugar we intake in other our suppers and snacks (and other beverages like an occasional can of fizzy drink or juice or a half quart after work) – would surpass the prescribed sugar intake a few times. Hence, India is presently named the diabetes capital of the world.

“The answer to a solid way of life is to diminish sugar. Rather than drinking mugs after mugs of fluid chai, why not move to Green tea or Dark tea like Darjeeling tea with lemon? Not as it is it more advantageous with for all intents and purposes zero calories and zero sugar, it is additionally richly delicious!” signs off Desai.