Modi’s 3.0 Bringing the Real Healthcare Growth – Experts


The National Health Policy (NHP) 2017, which aims to raise public health spending to 2.5 percent of GDP, is long overdue because Indians rely largely on private treatments. So, will the provision of inexpensive healthcare to Indian residents be a one-time event or will it continue to grow in real time? Will Modi 3.0’s increase in public spending on healthcare to the targeted amount in India have any effect?

Rajiv Nath, Forum Coordinator for the Association of Indian Medical Device (AiMeD) stated, “We expect the new government to boost manufacturing of medical devices and bring in a predictable tariff regime that makes manufacturing viable without being overly protectionist and instead focuses on monitoring and regulations of labelled prices of medical devices as that’s what is charged to consuming patients and they are currently being taken for a ride with artificially inflated prices.”

Fair marketing that prioritizes value and quality above products with large profit margins is what we hope to promote. We have been requesting regulations to prevent firms from inflating the price of medical devices on their labels for some time now. Sincere manufacturers and marketing firms suffer from this practice. Rather than exorbitant costs, we want fair competition based on the true worth of the goods,” Nath continued.
Additionally, he said that a distinct regulatory framework for medical devices will maintain producers’ accountability and discipline while guaranteeing patient safety and prompt access to inexpensive, cutting-edge solutions.

The NDA manifesto promises to prioritize the quality and accessibility of healthcare. First off, the goal of offering sanitary pads for under Rs 1 is to enhance the health of women. According to Dr. Gupta, the second set of activities would focus on the prevention and treatment of conditions like osteoporosis, breast cancer, anemia, and cervical cancer, with the ultimate goal of eradicating cervical cancer.
“Senior citizens who are not eligible for EWS and SC/ST will now be covered by Ayushman Bharat, and regular Ayush camps will provide elders with holistic healthcare based on traditional practices.” Along with eradicating child hunger, the manifesto calls for comprehensive healthcare in tribal communities, including the fight against sickle cell anemia,” he continued.