Parents Plan to Sue Serum Institute for Death of Daughter


The parents of a woman who allegedly passed away in 2021 following the Covishield vaccination have chosen to sue SII. The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine was produced in India under the Covishield brand name by the biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Pune.

The parents of Karunya, who died in July 2021, just a few weeks after receiving her first dose of Covishield, have filed a complaint demanding an immediate investigation into her death and access to the investigation’s results. They have also requested the appointment of an unbiased medical board to look into the matter in their writ petition.

AstraZeneca’s acknowledgment, according to Karunya’s father Venugopalan Govindan, came “too late” because it has already caused several deaths.
Within a few months of the vaccine’s release, in March 2021, deaths from blood clots occurred in 15 European nations. As a result, AstraZeneca and SII were supposed to cease production and distribution of these vaccines, according to Govindan. However, no required steps were taken.

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