Petition Filed Against Serum Institute of India


A group of parents has moved to the Supreme Court alleging Serum Institute of India being responsible for the death of their children. According to the parents, there was a lack of transparency on the part of the manufacturers and healthcare officials. The authorities should be responsible enough to warn of potential side effects.

On the 28th of January 2021, Dr. Snehal Lunawat received her first dose of the Covishield vaccine as mandated for all healthcare workers.  She was brought to a hospital in Delhi on February 7. She had low platelet counts, bleeding in the brain, and a clot blocking the blood flow out of the brain.
On March 1, 2021, despite medical efforts, she passed dead. Her father is currently one of twelve parents who have sued Serum Institute of India (SII), the Indian company that makes the vaccine, in a class action complaint that was filed in the Supreme Court. The group is jointly requesting compensation and severe punishment for the deaths of their children, which they claim were caused by side effects from the vaccine.

A thorough evaluation of the scientific underpinnings of all COVID-19 vaccinations, including the Covishield vaccine created by AstraZeneca and Oxford University, is another request made by the petitioners.
The petitioners expect to have many more sign-on with them; they are from all throughout the nation. Before deciding to seek the Supreme Court as a group, a few of the petitioners had already contacted courts on their own.
At least four petitioners claimed to have confirmation from the government’s Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) committee that the vaccine’s side effects were the reason behind their children’s deaths.

However, Experts state that it’s not the first time when any vaccine has shown side effects. There have been various cases in history, that whenever any vaccine is launched, a few portion of people do face side effects. But the results have always outweighed the risks.